Wednesday 11 October 2017

They ask,'Why do I write?'

They ask,’Why do I write?’
I smile and tell them, I write to survive
I write because I enjoy writing
I write because I love writing
I write because I want to write.

But still they ask,’Why do I write?’
Merrily I tell them, I write to express
I write to share my feelings
I write to share my perspectives
I write because I want to write.

Yet they ask,’Why do I write?’
I affirm and tell them, I write as I have reasons to write
I write based on my mood and instincts
I write based on desires and devotion
I write based on different contexts and situations

And now I tell them,
Don’t ask, Why do I write?’
Instead, find out, How do I feel when I write?
What do I do when I write?
Why it is important for me to write?

The real treasure is in writing
Try to express yourself to the fullest
At least start writing in bullets
Writing will help you communicate
About the experiences and feelings that are straight.

Writing will provide you the sense of accomplishment
It will reflect on who you are as a person
Writing is compact and permanent
It will make your thinking visible
I enjoy writing and I write because I want to write!

Truly in love with ‘Writing’.....

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