Wednesday 21 December 2011

Hear me!

Recently, I came across a case where the child and the teacher were actually struggling with their own emotions. The relationship between a child and the teacher was not healthy. The teacher was actually not prepared enough to take the class and the child was seeking for attention and care. The teacher wanted child/students to listen to her and the child demanded to be heard. The teacher was upset; as the child was fussy about writing. She was frustrated, as according to her, the child was not manageable. The child was not able to adjust, neither in the class with peers nor with the teacher. One day, the teacher in her frustration, pulled his hair and nagged him for writing. However, the child...!
Finally, management decided to go to the root cause of the matter, and started investigating, counseling the parent for the same. They even concluded that the teacher is trying and learning to overcome her limitation and that the parent needs counseling. 

Well, in this situation the person who really suffers and struggles is a CHILD. What did he actually asked for? Was listening and talking to a child is that difficult? Giving child a comfort is really hard, complicated or thorny?

Is it really about bad parenting or a lack of classroom management technique?
Trust me, listening and talking about the concerns can reassure the child that he will be safe. Children react to stress at their own developmental level. Encourage child to ask questions. Listen to what he has to say. Provide comfort and assurance that addresses his specific fears. Communicate with the child in a way he can understand. Do not get too technical or complicated. Find out what frightens him. Encourage the child to talk about fears he may have. Focus on positive things. Appreciate him openly for every small deed. Develop a good, strong emotional bank account with him. Give him responsibility; make him feel responsible and capable of doing anything and everything.

In education, intellectual development is not enough. Education must be both intellectual and emotional. The aim of education – in fact, the aim of life – is to work joyfully and to find happiness. Happiness means being interested in life, or as I would put it, responding to life. Education must be geared to the psychic needs and capacities of the child. Discipline, dogmatically (strictly) imposed and punishment creates fear; and fear creates hostility. This hostility may not be conscious and overt, but it paralyses endeavour and authenticity of feeling. The extensive discipline of children are harmful and thwarts sound psychic development.

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